Wednesday, April 27, 2011

31 Days To Clean

So I keep seeing things about this book, and I NEED to read it!!! I am OBSESSED with having everything "just so", which is nigh unto impossible with 4 kids ages 6 years down to 20 months. Not to mention this bone contusion which I have on my shin from my escapade to find the new kittens on Easter Sunday. Ladders are NOT my friend! At least not when I climb one without unfolding it, or having someone hold it. Honestly, I know better, but I was just dying to see those kittens that I could hear on the shelf above. :{ 31 Days to Clean: Having a Martha House the Mary Way is not only something to help me in my life for the long term, but VERY much in the here and now!! Can't WAIT to read it! I will keep you posted on how it helps!

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